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Life is Sweet: Don’t Let Diabetes Sour It

Writer: Shammi's YogalayaShammi's Yogalaya

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

MASTER PLAN that helped my Diabetic Clients get over it in just a few months!

When we work with our diabetic clients, we educate them convincingly to become aware and conscientious; follow the right guidelines; work on timely and methodical execution; and last but not least, be CONSISTENT. So that they have a Tale to Tell in a span of a few months.

Till a few years ago, diabetes was considered an old-age-related problem. Today, it’s spreading like an epidemic. In fact, it is alarmingly high among growing children too. One of the major contributors to this drastic rise is the sea of change in our lifestyle.

“Lifestyle change is the most powerful but unused treatment for type 2 diabetes,”says Dr. Roshani Sanghani, Consultant Endocrinologist at Hinduja Hospital.

Yoga plays its Multi-Dimensional Role in nailing it down!

The list below has brought immense relief to many of our diabetic clients when followed in totality.

  1. 30 minutes brisk walk twice a day

    Depending on your current level of fitness, you can start with a 5-10 minute brisk walk and gradually build up to 40-50 minutes per day. Follow this regime at least thrice a week.

  2. Suryanamaskar – Dynamically stimulate your body to get the energy of Sun

    Suryanamaskar is a well-coordinated dynamic movement with symmetrical, asymmetrical postures, forward bending, backward bending, eccentric, concentric movement, etc. It works on each and every part of your body, muscles, joints, and glands. Performing Suryanamaskar alone, on a regular basis, will develop your body and mind dynamically and at the same time keep you active and agile. Even just 10 rounds of practice can reduce diabetes (if your body is not used to it).

  3. Cleanse your body as you clean a conch

    Shankhaprakshalana is one of the most recommended cleansing kriyas for people with diabetes. In Shankhaprakshalana, water is taken in from the mouth and eliminated from the anus. This process replicates the cleansing of a conch and thus is named Shankhaprakshalana. Avoid doing it in case of high BP (details below).

  4. Mental Stress increases blood glucose level, Physical Exercise reduces it

    Stress increases blood glucose in diabetic as well as non-diabetic individuals. But diabetics find it difficult to handle this instant insulin demand. As a result, glucose levels remain high in the blood, leading to a host of other problems. The asanas and pranayamas below can prove to be the best weapon.

Asanas recommended for diabetes








With abdominal strokes

(you are doing kapalbhati in Marjarasana)


10 rounds

Avoid in case of severe back problem or neck problem

Stimulates pancreas & liver; makes your spine supple; helps deal with back problem; cleanses the nasal passage


Perform twice

Hold for 30 seconds each with normal breathing

Increases blood flow to the abdominal region by massaging pancreas, liver and spleen, kidney, ascending and descending colons.


2 to 3 times

Hold for 10-20 seconds each

Avoid in case of hernia, severe back pain, neck pain

Same as above


There are many other postures which can be performed to get the optimal benefits. You can check the list of the asanas for diabetes here.



Nadhi Sodhan Kriya /Alternate Nostril Breathing

This simple alternate nostril breathing, if done correctly, can calm your brain nerves and help deal with any kind of stress in the most efficient way (stress is one of key factors in diabetes).



5.    Diabetes Specific Mudra

The word ‘mudra’ is generally translated as gesture or attitude and was realized by ancient yogis in a state of deep meditation. As per our Mudra Expert, Manju (Maya) Dwajan, regular practice of these mudras among her diabetic students (along with other variables) have shown great results:








Tip of the thumb, the middle & the ring fingers placed together

Tip of the thumb, the ring & the little fingers placed together

Tip of the thumb & the index  finger placed together

Holding Time

10 minutes each

10 minutes each

10 minutes each



Helps in elimination of toxins – both at physical and mental levels

Enhances the blood circulation, energy and vitality


Brings the balance and stability at the mental level and reduces the stress, which is the bedrock of all diseases



Sequence of Apana, Prana & Gyana Mudra combined with other yogic practice is very helpful in controlling and maintaining the blood sugar levels. These three mudras need to be performed in the same sequence for 10 minutes each thrice a day. If thrice a day is not possible, definitely twice a day to see a positive impact.


What goes into your mouth?

One of the most critical aspects of this problem demands a regimented control of what goes into your mouth. You will need to follow the advice of your doctor or dietician in this regard (diet plan is out of scope of this blog hence not detailing that).



Take a Holistic Route

Eventually, it is an integrated approach that will bring sustainability. Every single step can be a great contributor to the success of the journey.


Consistency is the Key

You need to be consistent and unfailingly regular with:

1.     Meal timings

2.     Amount and type of food

3.     Time of Medication

4.     Physical Activity

5.     Mental Relaxation

6.     Adequate sleep



Late night exercises may cause low blood glucose during sleep (nocturnal hypoglycaemia) leading to some of the life threatening situations. Avoid exercise at night.


American College of Sports Medicine Recommends

  • Minimum 150 minutes workout per week

  • Perform moderate intensity physical activity - 300 minutes per week to get general benefits

  • Burn 2000 kcal per week or more  - Weight Loss



These are recommended on a general basis. If you have any other medical condition along with this or any other problems, please consult a doctor and then a yoga expert before starting the regime. Please feel free to shoot your yoga related questions to





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